Norwalk Early College Academy

We connect students to college, careers, internships, mentors

About NECA

Norwalk Early College Academy (NECA) is a collaboration between Norwalk Public Schools, Norwalk Community College, and IBM.

Giving Students a Head Start

Norwalk Early College Academy is an IBM sponsored academic program, looking to give students of all backgrounds and good academic standing a chance to achieve an Associate’s Degree in the Information Technology field. Admission is done via lottery. There is no cost.

Up to 100 students are admitted per year. NECA is only available to Norwalk Public School students. NECA will prepare students for middle skill jobs in the STEM field, and put them first in line for an interview with IBM, following graduation. NECA provides an opportunity for students to both complete high school and, for those who may not currently see college as an option, to earn a degree. Download the full NECA brochure.

The Neca Model

The Norwalk Early College Academy curriculum is based off of the P-Tech model. The first P-Tech school was launched in September 2011, in Brooklyn, New York. As of September 2016, 57 P-Tech schools have been opened in the United States, Australia, and other nations. P-Tech stands for “Pathways in Technology and Early College High School.” It is a cutting edge educational model, preparing children for “middle skill STEM jobs.” In the words of the P-Tech website, “The P-TECH 9-14 model addresses postsecondary degree completion and career readiness by smoothing the transitions between high school, college, and the professional world.“

Any middle school student in the Norwalk Public School system is eligible to apply, although students must present a recommendation from an English and Math teacher, as well as a school counselor recommendation, and 7th and 8th grade report cards. Students must be in good academic standing (no Ds or Fs). Before starting high school, freshman participate in a 3-week summer academy at Norwalk Community College.

NECA provides 4, 5, and 6 year programs. Courses are taken at Norwalk High School and Norwalk Community College. Students will graduate with a High School diploma plus Applied Science Associates Degree.

Alongside regular core high school courses such as English, Social Sciences, there will be a focus on mastery of STEM skills (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). The curriculum will also emphasize the “soft” skills of presentation, self-marketing and communication critical to success in the workplace. Students will be able to explore various career through internship, coaching, and mentoring from the IBM corporation, as well as other local companies. By Year 3, students will be placed in internships.

All students will be matched in one-on-one relationships with mentors from IBM or other companies. They will participate in project-based learning activities and workplace visits, hear guest speakers, and tackle skills-based, real-world projects through internships and apprenticeships.

Upon graduation, NECA scholars are prepared to join the work force, are first in line for interviews with IBM, or may transfer to a four-year institution to complete their undergraduate degree.

NECA Staff


Karen Amaker

Founding Director

Lisa Rivieccio

School-to-Career Coordinator

Monoswita Saha

Education Program Manager, IBM

Carol Wiltshire-Toth

School Counselor and Academic Dean

Annie Semchuk

NECA College Program Manager

Paul DeFelice

Mathematics Teacher

Laura Rorick

Mathematics Teacher

Jacquie Victoria

English Teacher

Wyatt Matthews

English Teacher & Workplace Learning Teacher

Maryann Quermorllue

Math & Computer Science Teacher

Anthony Gigliotti

Math Teacher & Workplace Learning Teacher


Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with all things NECA.

Check out our upcoming events.


IBM Info

The Norwalk Early College Academy’s (NECA) mission is to provide a practical, no-cost, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)-focused education that enables 100% of its participants to graduate with a high school diploma and an accredited associate degree in six years or less. It is a partnership between Norwalk High School, Norwalk Community College and IBM. NECA is part of IBM’s Pathways in Technology strategy (P-TECH); all students are matched with IBM mentors and all students who earn their Associate Degree from NCC are guaranteed an interview with IBM.

IBM is committed to creating innovative education initiatives that put students first and helping prepare students for active citizenship and meaningful, productive careers.

IBM Commitments to NECA Students
- IBM Liaison
- “Work-Based Learning Curriculum,” which will be key part of student course-work
- Skills-Mapping: Coursework is aligned to the skills necessary to be successful in entry-level role upon completion of AAS degree
- Each student at will be paired-up with a IBM mentor throughout time in program
- Speakers, worksite visits
- Beginning in Year 3, students will be placed in internships at IBM and other companies
- First in-line for jobs at IBM upon graduation

Please visit IBM blog for further information: Click Here to Visit the IBM Blog


NECA is a partnership between Norwalk Public Schools (NPS), Norwalk Community College (NCC), and IBM.

NPS works closely with its partners to offer students an opportunity to earn both a high school diploma and college degree in as little as four years. Students are enrolled in college before they start their freshman year of high school.

Working closely with NPS and IBM, NCC aligns and strengthens the relationship between school and work. The associate degrees, Mobile Programming and Software Engineering, offered at NECA are based on the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the identified career pathway. The content of the high school and college courses is carefully sequenced so that students move seamlessly through the program.

Our industry partner, IBM, represents a high-growth industry, and brings their insight into the skills and qualities they seek in prospective employees and a commitment to foster those skills and qualities in students. IBM contributes to student learning through mentoring, site visits, internships and other workplace learning experiences.

The Importance of Workplace Learning

Students participate in a Workplace Learning (WPL) curriculum, which emphasizes the professional skills of presentation, self-marketing, and communication critical to success in the workplace.

All students are matched with an IBM mentor. They participate in project based learning activities, workplace visits, and seminars led by industry experts, and over time, tackle skills-based, real-world projects through internships and apprenticeships.

NECA Students Meet Their IBM Mentors
Ninety students guided through P-Tech journey


P-TECH 9-14 school internships are skills-based, paid internships designed to help P-TECH Brooklyn and NECA students build upon their considerable skills and get real-world experience in the workplace that will help them become truly career-ready.

Every intern will contribute to a real, meaningful work project that is aligned with their skill set. While the work assignments do not have to be technical in nature, they should expose students to various aspects of the work in the technology field. Work assignments will vary from site to site based on employer needs, but can include Coding and website re-design.

IBM Internships 2017

Program Structure
- Duration 6-7 weeks
- Start Date: beginning June 19
- Year 3 students with college credit
- Interview training and resume workshops
- Students earn $12-14/hour, working on significant projects

- IBM Client Sites
- 33 Maiden Lane(unless provided with space by IBM supervisor)

– Daily check-ins with interns at minimum
– Weekly check-ins with IBM Liaison Workplace Learning Supervisor at minimum

Evaluation: – Every supervisor will need to complete a formal assessment of their intern(s) at the end of the program.

Global Business Services: Complete data analysis on business scenarios to validate solutions proposed to IBM clients.

Research: Develop an app that translates signals that detect PH levels in humans.

Product Technology: Collect, format and analyze data to identify problems with computer chip manufacturing yield.

Business Operations: Use Watson Analytics to analyze data trends. Build out dashboards to communicate key insights to clients.


Students participate in real work experiences where they will learn teamwork, and develop the skills they’ll need for professional and personal success. Students explore various careers through internship, coaching and mentoring opportunities provided by IBM Corporation – a founding partner of the school – as well as other local companies.

What Careers Await NECA Students? Students will be prepared to begin careers in a range of exciting, competitive jobs in the Information Technology (IT) industry. IT professionals perform complex technical tasks, work within a team and solve problems. Whether designing and testing future products or analyzing defects in software and driving quality improvements for global customers, NECA graduates will be helping our world work better.

NCC Staff


Professor Tom Duffy

Department Chair, Program Coordinator

Professor Patrick Cassidy

Program Coordinator

Professor Charles Gabor

Computer Science

Professor Kerry Cramer

Computer Science

Degree Programs

NECA students will be able to earn an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in Software Engineering or Mobile Programming at no cost. These programs focus primarily on Software Development and were created by Professor Thomas Duffy, Department Chair of Computer Science, Norwalk Community College.

In order to fulfill Manufacturing, Product Services, Software Development & Support, and Technical Services job types within IBM, a skills mapping process had been created. Skills mapping is a two-part process that involves identifying the skills employers require which are then boiled down to a set that make sense to high school and college faculty, who would map the skills to the curriculum. This process helps ensure that students successfully understand the career path they aspire and the tools their schools offer them to achieve their goals.

Software Engineering Program

Research, design, develop, and test operating systems-level software, compilers, and network distribution software for medical, industrial, military, communications, aerospace, business, scientific, and general computing applications.

Mobile Programming Program

Mobile application development is a term used to denote the act or process by which application software is developed for mobile devices, such as personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants or mobile phones.

Apply to NECA

NECA is part of the Norwalk Public School system, open to all Norwalk students, at no cost to students and their families. Students must be entering grade 9 in September 2017 and be in good academic standing. Students should have a strong interest in STEM and aptitude for studying Computer Science at NCC. We invite you to apply!

NECA Entrance Requirements

  • Norwalk Residency
  • Completed application with all supporting documents
  • Teacher Recommendations submitted by teachers
  •   ○ English Teacher Recommendation Form from English Teacher
  •   ○ Math Teacher Recommendation Form from Math Teacher
  • School Counselor Recommendation and Report Cards
  •   ○ School Counselor Recommendation Form
  •   ○ Current 7th and 8th Grade Report Cards

Where Do I Return My Completed Application?

Applications can be mailed to NECA Admissions, Norwalk Early College Academy, 23 Calvin Murphy Drive, Norwalk, CT 06851, emailed to, or faxed to 203-682-4305.

Apply Now

Summer Programs

More Details To Come For Summer 2019 Program

Our Summer program is designed for our students to develop their current skills in basic courses and new skills. Below is a list of the courses we will be offering this Summer.

  • English
  • Math
  • Exploring Computer Science
  • Workplace Learning
  • High School Prep

In the next section you will find detailed information of each course, a table of the summer schedule and links for a printable PDF for each.

Summer Bridge

The Summer Bridge program is required for incoming 9th grade NECA students running over the course of a 3 week period, June 26 – July 14. Classes are held at NECA from 8:30 a.m. – 1:45 p.m. and bus transportation is provided. Students are required to bring their lunch.

We will offer general Math and English courses, also giving students the opportunity to dip their toes into the world of Computer Science through a special course titled Exploring Computer science.

The Workplace Learning course allows students to work with IBM mentors and participate in project based activities. Students are able to visit IBM workplaces and receive mentorship from IBM employees. This is very beneficial to educating our students on how work life can be like in the field.

We also have a very unique course titled High School Prep. This gives our students a head start by filling out an application to NCC. This way they're enrolled in college before they even begin High School.

The Summer curriculum is not all hard work and no play. Each friday we will treat our students with something special. The first Friday has a planned NCC day and IBM Mentorship kickoff. The following Friday has a planned trip to the movies at Bowtie 6 Cinemas. Then we end the program with a fun filled Friday at the Lake Compounce theme park.


Period Time Columbia Cornell Harvard Princeton
1 8:30 - 9:23 High School Prep Exploring Computer Science Math Workplace Learning
2 9:27 - 10:20 English High School Prep Exploring Computer Science Math
3 10:24 – 11:17 Workplace Learning English High School Prep Exploring Computer Science
4 11:21 – 12:14 Math Workplace Learning English High School Prep
Lunch 12:15 – 12:45 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
5 12:49 – 1:42 Exploring Computer Science Math Workplace Learning English
Dismissal 1:45 Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Classes in Session
8:30 - 1:45
Classes in Session
8:30 - 1:45
Classes in Session
8:30 - 1:45
Classes in Session
8:30 - 1:45
NCC Day & IBM Mentorship Kickoff
Classes in Session
8:30 - 1:45
Classes in Session
8:30 - 1:45
Bowtie 6 Cinemas
Classes in Session
8:30 - 1:45
Classes in Session
8:30 - 1:45
Classes in Session
8:30 - 1:45
Classes in Session
8:30 - 1:45
Lake Compounce
Smaller devices will need to scroll horizontally to see the full table.

The Summer semester schedule and Summer daily schedule are available to print or save to your device as a PDF.

Summer Bridge Semester Schedule
Summer Bridge Daily Schedule
NECA Field Trip Permission Slip Summer 2017

Summer College

Summer College is a program we offer for Grades 10-12. Students may be registered for one or two classes during the summer session.

Courses offered during the summer session are;

  • General Biology (BIO 121)
  • Public Speaking (COM 173)
  • Introduction to Programming (CSC 108)
  • Database Development and Design 1 (CSC 233)
  • Web Development and Design (CST 153) Sec 1
  • Web Development and Design (CST 153) Sec 2
  • XML for the WWW (CST 255)

Please refer to the schedule to determine where and when classes meet.

2017 NECA Summer College Program 2017 Summer Schedule
Confidentiality Agreement

Summer Work

While we want students to enjoy their summer, it is also crucial for them to keep their brains working in preparation for the classes they will be taking once school is in session again. Summer Work is compromised of assignments geared towards Math and English Courses.

For the English course work, students will choose at least two books that will interest and entertain them. While reading, they should take notes on each of the two books. Summer reading will count as 20% of their first marking period grade.

Algebra 2 and Geometry require prerequisite skills to be mastered in order to be successful in those courses. Students can work with another person on the packets, but each student has to take the quiz. All work MUST be shown.

Honors Algebra 2 Summer Packet
Honors Geometry Summer Packet
Honors English Summer Reading

Summer Transportation and Emergency Information

At NECA we are committed to providing your children the means to getting where they need to be during the summer. Click the links below for more information.

2017 NECA Summer College Program Transportation and Emergency Information

Parent Info

NECA is a completely free program, with a goal of preparing your child for a career in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mechanical (STEM) related job fields. Any middle school student in the Norwalk Public School system is eligible to apply and will be chosen through a lottery system.

Accepted NECA students will be open to a number of excellent opportunities such as:

  • No-cost Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Information Technology
  • Project-based learning, team teaching curriculum
  • Extended day, extended year program
  • 4-year, 5-year, 6-year program possibilities
  • College courses at NECA and at NCC
  • Extensive professional learning experiences for teaching staff

Parent Council

Please join us as we enhance our partnership with parents through the NECA Parent Council (NPC). Open to all NECA parents. No RSVP required. Follow us on Facebook for news and updates on meeting times.

Career Readiness

What Kinds Of Jobs Can Students Get After Graduating?

Students who earn the Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Software Engineering or Mobile Programming are prepared for entry-level careers in computer programming, database programming and administration, web programming, and systems/network administration and support. Students also get a foundation in the field of computer systems that will let them transition into a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Systems program, if they desire.

The Engineering Technology program was developed in response to the need to prepare competent technicians who have the skills needed by the computer industry. Graduates qualify for occupations such as field engineer, computer-repair technician, business machines technician, data processing equipment specialist, electromechanical technician, laboratory technician, production assembly technician, biomedical instruments service technician, and robotics service technician. Manufacturers and users of computers and electromechanical equipment are potential employers.



Katrell Clay

NECA Scholar, Class of 2018
NECA changed how I see myself. My teachers help further my education by their guidance and I belong to a family of classmates and teachers that care about me. Neca partnering with IBM, has helped me increase my technology and prepares me to take on the real world

Julia Turek

NECA Scholar, Class of 2019
As the daughter of immigrant parents, I have a support system that is like no other in NECA. I am able to have amazing guidance whether from my school counselor or director in both my personal life and academics. To me, NECA feels like a family that has afforded me both friends and skills for life. I would not trade this experience for anything.

Jahneek Robin (at right, with her best friend Julia Turek)

NECA Scholar, Class of 2019
NECA is a really safe space for anyone to be themselves and it changed me for the better. I feel that everyone is welcome no matter where you come from and it will help me to become more confident and make me more comfortable in the workforce

Bianca Velez

NECA Scholar, Class of 2020
As a NECA Scholar, I want to be ready for my future. NECA will prepare me for any career that I may choose, since technology is necessary in all fields. Getting an early college degree, will make me more competitive when applying to various job positions and colleges/universities

Maryann Quermorllue

NECA Math & Exploring Computer Science Teacher
Norwalk Early College Academy is a unique program which offers students an opportunity which is not afforded to many. The chance to receive your high school diploma and a college degree free of cost is amazing. After researching more on the model and realizing that this was a new program, I knew that this was a place that I could see myself working and growing as an educator. As if the excitement of being a part of such an innovative program wasn't enough, I became even more excited about the program after meeting the NECA team members headed by its charismatic leader, director Karen Amaker. Karen is a leader who is passionate about the success of our students and helping her staff to grow as educators. I could not be more pleased to be a member of the Norwalk Early College Academy team

Wyatt Matthews

NECA English & Workplace Learning Teacher, NCC English 101 & 102 Professor
Though NECA inspires the self-awareness and practicality that we would expect from young professionals, I also see a good deal of raw (and valuable) exuberance in this bunch of students. They display an enviable amount of collegiality, are 'game' for new challenges, and advance their own interests in a mutually-supportive manner

Monoswita Saha

IBM Education Program Manager
I believe that it's rare to come to work every day knowing and feeling that you're part of a movement, a current streaming forward that is changing the status quo for the better. At NECA, that feeling is palpable. The NECA team is just that, a true team and more. As part of the P-TECH network, this school is transforming the way we look at the intersection of education, college and business. I feel privileged to work with the NECA team, with partners and leaders that are innovative and ever solutions oriented. Every day our students show us that they'll meet the bar wherever we set it and surpass it. Those moments are priceless and why we do what we do

Attend An Information Session

NECA Night Information Sessions For Parents and Students in Grades 7 and 8

Roton Middle School
Wednesday, October 17

Ponus Ridge Middle School
Wednesday, October 24

Nathan Hale Middle School
Wednesday, November 7

West Rocks Middle School
Wednesday, November 14

All Sessions Begin at 6:00 PM

Contact Us

Email, call, or write to us to find out more about NECA's offerings.